3.5 Million Indonesian people enjoy free internet

Muhammad Surya Rizal // Thursday, 30 January 2014

A way to get closer to the Indonesian public is done via the internet back Seru Library program . Through this program , 3.5 million people Indonesia was finally able to connect with the virtual world .

As reported by Reuters ( 28/1 ) , a program which is also called the Perpuseru an initiative between Coca- Cola Foundation Indonesia ( CCFI ) with Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation ( BMGF ) . This program has been implemented since three years ago or 2011 .

" It shows the Library Fun ( Perpuseru ) has provided benefits to the people of Indonesia to improve the quality of life , " said Program Director Perpuseru Erlyn Sulistyaningsih .

Currently own Perpuseru already available in 34 libraries across Indonesia . Noted , there are 16 provinces in total so the organizers of the program .

" Perpuseru has provided direct benefits to people who do not have computers and the Internet at home , at the same time serves as a home study with a variety of instructional media and information technology -based training program , " he said .

Seeing the success of this program , Chief Executive CCFI Sadarini Taylor claims will continue to develop similar programs in the future . " Perpuseru will continue to partner with public libraries in Indonesia in preparing and encouraging libraries to be ' agents of change ' for their communities , " he said .