North Korea was accused of disorderly brother cyberspace

Muhammad Surya Rizal // Saturday, 14 September 2013

Kaspersky Lab South Korea accused as the mastermind behind the hacker attack that occurred in South Korea. At least, it proved to brave attacks to the research institute in Korea.

As reported by ZDNet (12/9), Kaspersky believes that North Korea attacked at least 11 organizations in South Korea and two in China. These include attacks that are addressed to the Sejong Institute, Korea Institute for Defense Analyses (KIDA), South Korea's Unification Ministry, Hyundai Merchant Marine, and Supporting Korean Unification.

In this attack itself known weapon used was a trojan called Kimsuky. This possibility is the same trojan formerly known Kimsukyang and Kim asdfa.

These Trojans are known to gather information about the victim in the first attack. While, at the same time mess up the defense system built Windows.

Although assumed to originate from North Korea, Kaspersky could not confirm who was behind all of this. This is because there is little evidence that could lead to it.

"Geo-location of the attacker is known to be in North Korea," said Kaspersky.