Anonymous send suggestions Australia as well as a serious threat

Muhammad Surya Rizal // Saturday, 9 November 2013

ndiscriminate attacks launched by hackers Indonesia since a few days ago and made ​​a vigorous attack again on Friday ( 08 / 11 ) yesterday . Anonymous Australia offers and threats against such attacks .

In a video statement was uploaded Anonymous hackers Australia to Indonesia , they stated that the Indonesian hacker managed to shed hundreds of Australia website .

Unfortunately , they said , from the number of sites that are paralyzed , the majority is owned by small entrepreneurs who do not know anything about the wiretapping conducted by the Australian government toward Indonesia .

Therefore , Anonymous Australia advised not to attack the websites of small businesses or websites that have nothing to do with the tapping action .

They promised to help the Indonesian hackers to attack websites of the country , because they are also aware of and did not agree to the action of wiretaps conducted by their government .

However , if the hackers from Indonesia did not heed the advice and encouragement from Anonymous Australia , they did not hesitate to strike back .

" If you guys ( hackers Indonesia ) chose to disagree ( with their appeal ) , then you will feel the full force of the anger and our allies ( Anonymous International ) , " said Anonymous Australia in the video .