PLN sites and the Commission allegedly a target of hackers Australia

Muhammad Surya Rizal // Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Cyber ​​war between Indonesia and Australia opponent got hotter . Both sides were trying to knock your opponent to immobilize important sites in the country .

In the world of hacking , when a country is able to break through the important sites in question , although only briefly a big win and vice versa , meaning that state self-esteem crashed its website hacked .

As with Australia , the fall of his intelligence the two sites , namely and a big blow . Although his Australian hacker retaliation to the site Kemenkumham RI , but the reply is worth less than the intelligence site .

However, the Indonesian hacker attacks also alarmed some government sites in the country because most of them pay less attention to the safety factor .

Of monitoring , site PLN and KPK known Australian hacker was being attacked . In fact , the site KPK was dying and had a dead PLN total or 404 Not Found status based on .

Has not been confirmed whether the hackers attacked the site PLN Australia or not , but when you see the conditions that exist , it is possible that hackers from Australia who tried menyatroni important sites Indonesia.

Although today the two sites can still be opened , but usually , the attack does not necessarily cripple a site but rather gradually .

Internet observers Sylvia W. Sumarlin said the notion of cyber war actually is a political decision of a country , in this case decided by the President .

" While the current cyberwar going on and we experience is Cyber-retaliation/cyber-attack performed by specialists or who call themselves the champions of cyber security attacks in the network , " he said .

Currently , he added , movements like this are gerkan spontaneity of the community who feel the country still does not have an official organization on Defense and Cyber ​​Security .

" This incident is an eye - opener for policy makers to immediately form a unit and the rules , " he said