Indonesian hacker back assault. Saturday night

Muhammad Surya Rizal // Saturday, 9 November 2013

Indonesia achieved great success in the hacker attack last night against key government sites of Australia, including the Australian Intelligence Agency website or the Australian Intelligence Service is located at

During this time , Australia is considered to have intelligence to spy on the Internet and communications networks Indonesia , thus becoming the main target of the attack last night . Until this afternoon ( Saturday ( 9/11 ) , the site could not be opened at all .

The hackers who voiced @ StopSpyingOnIndonesia will continue to launch the action .

Based on the hackers who monitored conversations Indonesia ICT Institute , attacks on the site not be the last .

Although the target has not been determined , Saturday night the hackers will be back pounding the official websites of the Australian government . And it seems , the targets to be targeted also would not vary much with targets battered tonight because some hacker had also misdirected and try rummaging through targets that are similar to the pre-determined targets .

Meanwhile , the site 100 % down before hackers attacked Indonesia is seen briefly fell unconscious wake alias . Site created down by Indonesian hackers occasionally come back to life .

Conditions of this site can be found at to know what sites are down and seen the Australian vital site down a few times , until you see that this site can not be opened , aka 100 % down .

Previously , word got out that hackers Australia supports the struggle of Indonesian hackers that cyber war will not happen . However , in reality , a hacker from Australia had menyatroni sites Presidential although apparently misplaced.