Website 'innocent' victims of Indonesian hacker attacks

Muhammad Surya Rizal // Saturday, 9 November 2013

Hundreds of website collapsed after the Indonesian hackers launch attacks on Friday ( 08 / 11 ) yesterday . However , the majority of these attacks actually cripple small business websites only.

There are some sites that successfully toppled the government , but quoted from Cyber ​​War News ( 07 / 11 ) , it turns out many of the lists of sites that have paralyzed it is a website entrepreneur - owned small businessman Australia .

Instead it sparked a little emotion from hackers Australia and asked what was meant by Indonesian hackers harass people who do not know anything about the wiretapping performed against the Indonesian government .

For more details , a team of Cyber ​​War News finally begin to ask one of the Indonesian hackers on the motive for the attack .

Conversations that take place via Twitter that , Indonesian hackers who have ID xCodeZ said that the hackers do this simultaneous attack and not care about who the victim is because the Australian government still tapping action despite being warned to end the activities of spies .

" I attack that site , Because your country is still spying my country , " wrote in his Twitter xCodeZ .

More than 100 websites uprooted from the attack , which began on Friday ( 08 / 11 ) yesterday . And , reportedly the website owners eventually have to spend additional funds to fix all the attacks that crippled their website .