Future chair ala `Star Trek` sale Worth Rp. 468.5 Million ( Indonesia )

Muhammad Surya Rizal // Wednesday, 19 June 2013

For the lovers of the television series Star Trek certainly no stranger to the bridge on the USS Enterprise. One is the futuristic seat is also equipped with a variety of advanced technology to control the spacecraft.

Manufacturing office supplies manufacturer based in Quebec-Canada, MWE Lab, then copied the design seat Star Trek in its newest product. In home office products that named it MWE Lab Emperor 200 seats presents future work.

Quoted from page Daily Mail, Tuesday (06/18/2013), in addition to the unique design, MWE Lab also includes a control with a touch screen and three LED monitor each measuring 27 inches. There was also the udarayang filter system can control the heat. Because of its sophistication, MWE Lab calls it "the ultimate computer workstation".

This office has a touch screen that can be operated left-handed, right-handed and mousepad. Three screens are also tailored to the user, so it is easy to use due to eye level.

Emperor 200 frame is made of aluminum. While the leather used for the seat of Italy. Seat placement was made as comfortable as possible. Thus, the user can continue working even in a state of lying.

Currently Emperor 200 is used a number of companies. There are at least two clients who revealed MWE Lab work that uses sophisticated tools this will be used by the programmers at Microsoft and the U.S. Marines.

So how much is this the future? MWE Lab membanderolnya worth 30,000 pounds or approximately USD 465.8 million. Quite expensive indeed, and worth the innovations made.

Besides Emperor 200, MWE Lab Emperor 1510 LX also presented which are 'brothers'. Emperor 1510LX priced at 14,000 pounds or approximately RP 217.386 million. Enough to buy a new car.

There are also models for 4000 Emperor 1510 pounds or approximately RP 62.1 million. Of course it's not the cheapest product as sophisticated 'brother-sister'.