Type Trojan Threatens Emerging Android Devices

Muhammad Surya Rizal // Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Previously we have preached results report released Kaspersky Lab - Russian company that produces anti-virus software - which claimed almost all types of mobile malware versions that exist today were created to attack the Android operating system.

At that time they said that almost 99 virus that exists today was created to attack Google's operating system. It seems the report is quite valid. The proof Kaspersky recently discovered a new variant of a dangerous trojan virus and aspire to attack the Android OS.

Reported by Mashable page, Saturday (06/08/2013), Kaspersky identified a new malicious program named Backdoor.AndroidOS.Obad.a. which is a type of Trojan. The virus is capable of attacking the Android-based device that causes the device will continue to send an SMS to the number listed at a premium rate.

Have not finished there, kind of Trojan that is considered very difficult to remove is also capable of making the infected device to download other malware automatically and pass it via Bluetooth connectivity.

"One of the features of this trojan is making himself can not be removed by exploiting loopholes in the system Bluetooth Android program," Obviously Unuchek Roman, a senior researcher from Kaspersky Lab.

Kaspersky himself had been informed this issue on Google as the pembesut. Fortunately, the latter dubbed Trojan virus codenamed Obad itself has been only scattered about 0.15 percent of Android devices only.

Unfortunately they did not confirm which areas are vulnerable to virus Obad.