Google Software Update Makes Glass Advanced Camera Features

Muhammad Surya Rizal // Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Mountain View: Until now Google Glass project is an innovative device for a limited bereradar, especially the application developers. Google's this step was taken in order to complete the application and selects a number of smart sunglasses besutannya supporters before officially released to the consumer market.

About a month ago, the company led by Sergei Brin and Larry Page announced the presence of a number of supporting applications Google Glass, ranging from social media applications to digital newspapers. Now they are rumored to have given an update on the software will embed a Google Glass and some new features that function is quite important, one of them in the camera sector.

Reported by Techcrunch page, Thursday (06/06/2013), based on the latest information, like a line of premium class smartphone, the images from the camera Glass will have a sharper detail thanks to the pinned features High Dynamic Range (HDR). In addition, the camera can also capture Glass more than one image at a time.

Sector reform in the camera is claimed Google would greatly assist users in generating a high quality photographic results. This is because in the time of shooting, the HDR feature not only take a single picture, but at the same time a lot in order to put together and get the best results.